Books I've Been Reading (Goal Recap)

At the beginning of the year I made a goal to myself that I would read 15 books in 2013 because I've literally stopped reading books for fun and passing time. It was something that I really enjoyed doing and I knew I had to start cathing up with books again. I decided to read whatever was in our bookcase at home but soon realized that some of them were not really my style and it would just be a waste of time. So I read 7 books so far I know its not much but I only started towards April because school work was too intense. 

1. Dreams Die First by Harold Robbins: This is the first book I picked up not knowing it wasn't really my style. It took me a while to finish this one because I was not into it and I can never leave a book unfinished. And this is probably my least favorite of the bunch. 

2. My Sweet Orange Tree by Vasconcelos: I literally cried at the end of this book. It had a great plot and the emotions were greatly reflected on the reader or I wouldn't be crying, believe me. One of my faves for sure.

3. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho: I didn't know we had this book at home and I was really interested in it because I've heard that it was very similar to The Little Prince. I really loved that book when I read it even though I could read it another time to really get into it. It was the same with this book, it had an incredible plot with a great theme but I will probably read it again to fully understand its concept.

4. At the Sign of the Cat and Racket by Honroé de Balzac: This book totally got me by its title. Anything with cats automatically sounds cool to me, I don't know why.  It was not a long book and had lots of similies, which is always a plus for me because it broadens my imagination.

5. Panglor by Jeffrey A. Carver: This book was absolutely awesome it totally goes on the list of my favorite books. I was hooked to it because of the fact that it was set in the future where people could do space travel. I always love reading books from authors who have imagination of what is really out there and Carver sure had some great & weird sci-fi things in mind.

6. The Body in the Basement by Katherine Hall Page: After reading this book I found out that I was totally into mysteries. I mean the whole time I'm like "who killed who, how, when, what, why?!" And the book ends and I'm like "Finally I know who the killer is!" and I can die in peace aha. I will probably read other books by Hall Page because her writing was pretty clear, understandable and of course interesting.

7. False Prophets by Sean Flannery: This book was a recent read and I quite liked it. I thought I wasn't going to be into it because it was developing very slow and I didn't really get the plot at first but than things started to settle for me. Its not a fave but it was not a waste of time.

Well thats all I've read so far and I'm already half way through with my next book and I lined up a couple after that. I don't know what to do after so please suggest some books to me and I'll check out their plots and if I like it than I'll have to read it. Anyways, hope you like this post and have a great weekend!

P.S.: There is only 2 days left for the Cosmetic Bag Giveaway to end so don't miss it!