So a while back I got two gifts from my grandmother. Both of them were film cameras. They had them for a really long time. The first one she gave me was shcwarzkopf. (I know you might say it is a brand for hair products, and I have no idea how they got the camera) This little camera had its flash attached to it and when I opened to see the back I found that there was film in it too! Maybe over 20 years old. I thought probably half of it was burnt but I still wanted to shoot over it to see the result. It might come out interesting I thought to myself. The second camera was Smena 8m. I haven't used it yet but I have heard that it is a totally manual camera. I have watched videos about it so that while I'm shooting I don't mess up any film. It is sitting in my room for now. But Firday I got that obviously expired and burnt film developed. I got 25 out of 36 photos. Which was pretty good considering the condition. Out of the 25 4 of them I can't make out anything. So that leaves me off with 21 photos. Still over 20. Which makes me happy.
You can find some of these photos on my FLICKR page.